Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

Just like the title says. The Hits Just Keep on Coming. Yesterday, I talked about the wonders that are Pocky. I really thought my trip down memory lane was going to be ended after this discovery.
I was wrong.

I'm in Hastings today checking out the revised edition of "Walk On - The Spiritual Journey of U2," when I start looking at the checkout line junk. You know, all that stuff that they try to get you to impulse buy while waiting on the person in front of you to figure out how to write a check. Well, my particular line was filled with Japanese treats.

Pocky by the boatful. Then, right next to them were my second favorite import.
After much Google searching, I found out that this translates to "The March of the Koalas Cookies." They are wonderful little chocolate filled cookies. I'm not entirely sure why, but the chocolate inside tastes very different. Not to mention, they're just completely fun. Little Koala cookies. Two days. Two rediscoveries.

Melissa and I had a date tonight. The way our schedules are working, this may have been our last time of having to meet halfway for a date. I'm going to really miss that Starbucks, but I'm going to gladly trade that in to gain my bride :).

Looks like I had an ok night bracket wise while I was having fun on my date. I went 12 out of 16 tonight. Way to go Wichita State. Represent the Valley!

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