NYWC Day 3
Ok, this has got to be a quick one as it's already very late.
The day started out with my first trip to the Starbucks across from the Center. Thank God for all his wonderful gifts like coffee!
I went to Jim Burns' session on Partnering with Parents in Ministry. All I can say is wow. The Youth Team is going to get bombarded when I get back with all this stuff. I definitely would like to shift into more of that family minister role.Then we went to lunch to meet up with the YMX members. Nothing like a plan getting trumped out by an Independent Music promoter with a food giveaway and good music. We got our meals for free, then escaped to the Starbucks for quieter conversation.
So then, it was time for the Super Seminar time. Doug Fields hit it out of the park with his talk on Crafting Messages that Matter. It's about high time that the voice record feature on my Palm Zire gets used. Usually, I just keep things here and use them later, but the idea of keeping an audio journal with me at all times and collecting everything I can was a great one.
Went for dinner with three wonderful youth workers in the UMC after the seminar. I can't remember what the name of the Mexican place was, but outstanding! We had a great conversation sharing our struggles, laughing at our differences, and just enjoying being around people who understand.
Then, it was time for the session with Donald Miller. Wow. I may not agree with him all the time, but I love the way his mind works and the way he presents himself with authenticity. (A word I've used before this week.) When he laid it out there and said "Perfect ministry is a great commercial for the church business" I knew exactly what he meant. Sometimes ministry is messy. It's a hospital. Hospitals smell. Patients throw up. They bleed. They make messes. Ministry needs to be messy sometimes.Then, it was time for the late night comedy club. My cheeks still hurt. Thor Ramsey, Ron Pearson, and of course, Taylor Mason. I've been a Taylor Mason fan since the last time I was at YS (2004 Dallas) when they gave out the free Bananas DVDs. Melissa is an even bigger fan. During the bit, Romeo not only lost his shoe, but his foot as well into the second row. We were rolling. Afterwards, I went up to Taylor and talked to him for bit. He's a wonderful man of God! He took a picture of him and Paco with me, then autographed my Bananas DVD to Melissa in Paco's name.
Tomorrow, I'm heading to Marko's Middle School seminar and Duffy Robbins' on understanding teenage spirituality. I'm not sure yet, but I may skip the 8am to take the labyrinth. I could use a time of prayer, and I've been eating light, so I can afford to buy one CD.
Sorry for the incoherent ramblings tonight. It's already 1:00. Later on, I'll talk about some of the things that God is revealing and what it will mean. Until then, keep your feet on!
P.S. Now 1 1/2 Sea World bags full of exhibit hall and giveaway stuff.
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