Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Waking On

I hadn't even heard of Christian Contemporary Music until 1997. While in college, I found the faith that I thought I had lost. When I did, I went full bore into CCM music and the subculture that goes with it.

That is a good thing in a way and a bad thing in a way. (But I talk more about that in my CCM article at YMX).

As I get older and approach my marriage, I have been starting to break out of that mold. Also, I think my year with an XM Satellite Radio attached to my hip has had something to do with that. Sixty-nine music channels lead to a little bit of channel surfing.

Anyway, when I saw this book at the local Christian bookstore, I was intrigued. I knew very little about U2 other than some of the songs that had played on the radio while I was growing up. Then, as I was in the Christian subculture and working in churches, Bono's use of the F-word and their shying away from the Church was something to be avoided.

It only took a couple chapters of this book to see that something was going to be different. Steve Stockman did a wonderful job of chronicling the development of each member of the band, as well as telling their journeys through their faith. I was particularly interested in the story of how their church asked them to quit.

Each album is analyzed like a bible study, with Scripture references and personal stories from the band. Stockman also tells of Bono's almost obsession with using the social standing God gave him for good, like the DATA and One.org projects.

This is a great read for anyone interested in music, or even Christians who want a positive influence in secular music.

Edit 12:46 a.m. 5/3/06 -- If you're here from Bonowatch.com, be sure to comment!

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